Our Father in Heaven (Sonnet 10)

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"And lead us not into temptation."

Because to sin and folly we are prone,
And often, in our blindness, proud to trust
Our wisdom, or our wit, to keep us just,
In ways with snares like fragrant flowers o'erstrown,
Grant us, O Father, not to go alone--
Since to the journey's issue go we must--
Till our faint flesh is fallen, dust to dust,
And we are come into the land unknown.

Bring not our feet where false delights allure,
So weak to shun, so willed to seize them, we:
The specious poison-fruits might us betray,
And not Thy grace, but our reproach, make sure.
Hear us, we pray, still faintly following Thee,
"Into temptation lead us not to-day."