Our Father in Heaven (Sonnet 5)

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The Supreme Will

"Thy will be done."

THY will be done. Our Father, Thou, alone,
Art sovereign wise, and just and good and great;
While we, Thy children, in our mortal state,
To faults and follies of our nature prone,
Steeped in our pride and ignorance, loath to own
Our abject weakness, on our self-will wait,
And murmur, or rebel, before the gate
Which Thou hast closed to us in love unknown.

Beyond that gate, what treasure, or what joy,
Allures us, as the crown of our desire,
Some idol's life, some goal that must be won--
(If evil fate shall not all hope destroy)
Our hearts with sweet humility inspire,
In tears and trust, to cry, "Thy will be done!"